- AC Analysis high-level review
- Assertion
- Charge, current, voltage
- Capacitor i-v equation in action
- Charge
- DC circuit analysis overview
- Circuit sandbox
- Circuit terminology
- Conventional vs. electron current
- Soccer current
- Animations
- Decibel
- Delta-Wye derivations
- Delta-Wye resistor networks
- DeMorgan's theorem
- DeMorgan's theorem in action
- DeMorgan's theorem for basic gates
- Details tag template
- What's the difference between resistance and impedance?
- Differential equation theorem
- Digital electronics
- Diode equation
- Diode circuit - worked example
- Diode introduction
- Electric field
- Electric force vs. gravity
- Electric force and Coulomb's Law
- Electric potential and voltage
- Euler's cosine
- Euler's sine and cosine
- Euler's sine
- Forced response
- Application of the fundamental laws
- How circuits become equations
- Ideal elements and sources
- Image templates
- Impedance vs resistance
- Inductor - how it works
- Inductor i-v equation in action
- Inductor kickback
- Inverse square law
- Kirchhoff's Current Law
- Kirchhoff's Voltage Law
- LC natural response - derivation
- LC natural response - intuition
- Line of charge - test charge off the end
- Line of charge - test charge to the side
- Linearity of electronic components
- Linearity
- Digital logic gates
- Logic identities
- NAND and NOR
- Logic
- Loop current method
- Mesh current method
- Node voltage method
- Numbers in electrical engineering
- Ideal opamp exercise
- Inverting opamp exercise
- Non-inverting op-amp exercise
- Realistic opamp exercise
- Summing op-amp exercise
- Unity-gain buffer exercise
- Parallel conductance
- Resistors in parallel
- People are saying
- Plane of charge
- Preparing to study electrcial engineering
- Rarely asked questions
- RC natural response - derivation
- RC natural response - intuition
- RC step response - derivation
- RC step response - intuition
- RC step response
- Real-world circuit elements
- Resistivity
- RL natural response - derivation
- RL natural response - Intuition
- RL natural response
- RLC natural response - derivation
- RLC natural response - intuition
- RLC natural response - variations
- Schematic equivalence
- Resistors in series
- Sign convention for passive components
- Simplify resistor networks
- Six ways to generate electricity
- Source transformation - example
- Source transformation
- Define the standard electrical units
- Staticman at Heroku
- Staticman test bed
- Staticman
- Superposition
- Thévenin's theorem how to
- Thévenin's theorem proof
- Three point charges
- Universal gates
- Very short article
- Voltage divider design considerations
- Voltage divider
- What's with the name?
- Complex exponentials spin
- Complex numbers
- Complex rotation
- ELI the ICE man
- Euler's cosine wave
- Euler's formula
- Euler's sine wave
- Impedance of simple networks
- Impedance vs frequency
- Impedance
- AC analysis - introduction part 1
- AC analysis - introduction part 2
- KVL in the frequency domain
- Lead Lag
- Magnitude of a complex exponential
- Multiply by j is rotation
- Negative frequency
- Sine and cosine come from circles
- Sine and cosine from a rotating vector
- Sine of time
- AC superposition
- Trigonometry review
- A capacitor integrates current
- Capacitor i-v equations
- Circuit terminology
- Circuit with two batteries solved by Node Voltage Method (1)
- Circuit with two batteries solved by Node Voltage Method (2)
- Resistor circuit with two batteries
- Conventional current direction
- Current direction
- Current
- Diode graphical solution
- Diode
- Discovery of magnetism
- Discovery of Electromagnetism
- Application of the fundamental laws - setup
- Application of the fundamental laws - solve
- Ideal circuit elements
- Ideal Sources
- Inductor equations
- Inductor kickback (1 of 2)
- Inductor kickback (2 of 2)
- Kirchhoff's Current Law
- Kirchhoff's Voltage Law
- Labeling voltages
- LC natural response - derivation 1
- LC natural response - derivation 2
- LC natural response - derivation 3
- LC natural response - derivation 4
- LC natural response - example
- LC natural response - intuition 1
- LC natural response - intuition 2
- Mesh current method steps 1-3
- Mesh current method steps 4-5
- Node voltage method steps 5
- Node voltage method steps 1 to 4
- Feedback
- What is an operational amplifier?
- Inverting op-amp
- Non-inverting op-amp
- Summing op-amp
- Virtual ground — examples
- Virtual ground
- Parallel resistors (1)
- Parallel resistors (2)
- Parallel resistors (3)
- Sign convention for passive components
- RC natural response - derivation
- RC natural response - example
- RC natural response - intuition
- RC step response - example
- RC step response - intuition
- RC step response - setup
- RC step response - solve
- Series resistors
- Simplify resistor networks
- Sketching RC exponentials - examples
- Sketching RC exponentials
- Spinning Numbers Fourier series
- Triboelectric effect
- Voltage divider
- Voltage
Note: The text in these .svg images is flattened down to paths. Images with the original text are available here.
- Agarwal_Lang_textbook.jpg
- Alexander_Sadiku_textbook.jpg
- Duracell_Coppertop_Battery_Family.jpg
- Hoover_Dam's_generators2.jpg
- LED_green.jpg
- ant_in_amber.jpg
- apples.jpg
- article.svg
- basic_current_flow.svg
- basic_voltage_analogy.svg
- battery_stack.png
- bjt_terminals.svg
- blank.svg
- bucket.png
- buttergun1.svg
- buttergun2.svg
- capacitor_in_action1.svg
- capacitor_in_action2.png
- capacitor_in_action_current_pulse.svg
- capacitor_in_action_voltage_ramp.svg
- capacitor_symbols.svg
- cc-by-nc-sa.svg
- cc_25px.svg
- chlorine_atom.svg
- circuit_sandbox.png
- circuit_sandbox1.png
- circuit_sandbox2.jpg
- circuit_sandbox2.png
- circuit_sandbox_dc_analysis.png
- circuit_sandbox_delete_control.png
- circuit_sandbox_diode_symbol.png
- circuit_sandbox_grid.png
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- circuit_sandbox_opamp_symbol.png
- circuit_sandbox_rotate_control.png
- circuit_sandbox_schematic.png
- circuit_sandbox_screenshot.png
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- circuit_sandbox_transient_analysis.png
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- circuit_terminology_ground_stake.jpg
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- circuit_terminology_node2.svg
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- cube_milliliter.svg
- cube_nanoliter.svg
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- current11.svg
- current12.svg
- current13.svg
- current14.svg
- current2.svg
- current3.svg
- current4.svg
- current_general.svg
- current_general0n.svg
- current_general0na.svg
- current_general0p.svg
- current_general0pa.svg
- current_general1.svg
- current_saltwater.svg
- current_saltwater1.svg
- current_wire.svg
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- decibel1.svg
- decibel2.svg
- decibel3.svg
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- delta_wye10.svg
- delta_wye11.svg
- delta_wye12.svg
- delta_wye2.svg
- delta_wye20.svg
- delta_wye21.svg
- delta_wye22.svg
- delta_wye23.svg
- delta_wye24.svg
- delta_wye25.svg
- delta_wye26.svg
- delta_wye27.svg
- delta_wye3.svg
- delta_wye3a.svg
- delta_wye3b.svg
- delta_wye4.svg
- delta_wye5.svg
- delta_wye6.svg
- delta_wye7.svg
- delta_wye8.svg
- delta_wye9.svg
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- diode2.svg
- diode3.svg
- diode4.svg
- diode5.svg
- diode6.svg
- diode7.svg
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- diode_LED_circuit.svg
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- diode_schottky.svg
- diode_symbol1.svg
- diode_symbol2.svg
- diode_symbol3.svg
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- diode_voltmeters.svg
- diode_with_symbol.jpg
- diode_zener.svg
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- electric_field2.svg
- electric_field3.svg
- electric_field4.svg
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- electric_potential7.svg
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- equations3.svg
- equations4.svg
- equations5.svg
- equations6.svg
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- equivalence2.svg
- equivalence3.svg
- equivalence4.svg
- equivalence5.svg
- exercise.svg
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- fundamental_laws1.svg
- fundamental_laws1a.svg
- fundamental_laws1b.svg
- fundamental_laws2.svg
- fundamental_laws3.svg
- fundamental_laws4.svg
- greek_alphabet.svg
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- heroku_branch_dev.png
- heroku_deploy_button.png
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- inductor_iv2.svg
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- inductor_kickback2.svg
- inductor_kickback3.svg
- inductor_kickback4.svg
- inductor_kickback5.svg
- inductor_kickback6.svg
- inductor_kickback7.svg
- inductor_kickback8.svg
- inductor_kickback9.svg
- inductor_kickback9a.svg
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- karnaugh2.svg
- karnaugh3.svg
- karnaugh4.svg
- karnaugh5.svg
- kcl1.svg
- kcl2.svg
- kcl3.svg
- kcl4.svg
- kcl5.svg
- kvl1.svg
- kvl2.svg
- kvl3.svg
- kvl4.svg
- kvl5.svg
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- lc_natural_response_both.svg
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- lc_natural_response_intuition2.svg
- lc_natural_response_intuition3.svg
- lc_natural_response_intuition4.svg
- lc_natural_response_intuition5.svg
- lc_natural_response_intuition6.svg
- lc_natural_response_voltage.svg
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- line_of_charge1_3.svg
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- linearity_additivity6.svg
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- linearity_inductor_slope.svg
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- linearity_squarer.svg
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- logic_tt_demorgan_solved.svg
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- loop3.svg
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- node_voltage4.svg
- node_voltage5.svg
- node_voltage6.svg
- node_voltage7.svg
- node_voltage8.svg
- node_voltage8bflat.svg
- node_voltage9.svg
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- parallel_conductance6.svg
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- printing-4.png
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- rc_natural_response_ex2.svg
- rc_natural_response_general.svg
- rc_natural_response_voltage.svg
- rc_step1.png
- rc_step1.svg
- rc_step1a.png
- rc_step1a.svg
- rc_step2a.svg
- rc_step3.svg
- rc_step4.svg
- rc_step4a.svg
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- rc_step_alt1.svg
- rc_step_alt1a.svg
- rc_step_forced_response.svg
- rc_step_intuition.svg
- rc_step_natural_response.svg
- rc_step_natural_response_Kn.svg
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- rc_step_superposition_natural.svg
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- rc_step_total_response2.svg
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- real_axial_resistor_5band.jpg
- real_capacitor_assortment.jpg
- real_humongous_inductor.jpg
- real_resistor_parasitics.svg
- real_serpentine_resistor.svg
- real_smt_capacitor.jpg
- real_smt_capacitor_cutaway.png
- real_smt_resistor.jpg
- recaptcha_invalid_site_key.png
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- resistor_i-v_plot.svg
- resistor_smt_construction.svg
- resistor_symbols.svg
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- rl_natural_response1.svg
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- rl_natural_response_voltage_nolabel.svg
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- rlc_underdamped_current.svg
- rlc_underdamped_voltages.svg
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- rms1a.svg
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- rms3.svg
- rms4.svg
- rms5.svg
- rms6.svg
- rms7.svg
- rms8.jpg
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- series_resistors8.svg
- series_resistors9.svg
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- sign_convention_example1_1.svg
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- sign_convention_symbolic_labels2.svg
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- sign_convention_voltage_source_and_resistor2.svg
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- sign_convention_voltmeter1.svg
- sign_convention_voltmeter2.svg
- silicon_crystal.gif
- simplifying1.svg
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- simplifying11.svg
- simplifying12.svg
- simplifying2.svg
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- simplifying9.svg
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- source_constant_current_symbol.svg
- source_constant_voltage_i-v.svg
- source_sawtooth_voltage.svg
- source_square_voltage.svg
- source_step_voltage.svg
- source_triangle_voltage.svg
- source_variable_voltage_symbol.svg
- source_variable_voltage_v-t.svg
- source_voltage_symbols.svg
- standard_ampere_unit.svg
- superposition1.svg
- superposition10.svg
- superposition11.svg
- superposition12.svg
- superposition13.svg
- superposition2.svg
- superposition3.svg
- superposition4.svg
- superposition5.svg
- superposition6.svg
- superposition7.svg
- superposition8.svg
- superposition9.svg
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- thevenin0n.svg
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- thevenin11a.svg
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- thevenin12a.svg
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- thevenin16.svg
- thevenin2.svg
- thevenin20.svg
- thevenin21.svg
- thevenin22.png
- thevenin22.svg
- thevenin22n.svg
- thevenin22n1.svg
- thevenin23.svg
- thevenin24.svg
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- thevenin26a.svg
- thevenin26b.svg
- thevenin27.svg
- thevenin29.svg
- thevenin2a.svg
- thevenin2b.svg
- thevenin3.svg
- thevenin30.svg
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- thevenin32.svg
- thevenin33.svg
- thevenin34.svg
- thevenin35.svg
- thevenin36.svg
- thevenin37.svg
- thevenin38.svg
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How the circuit simulators are capable of doing the simulations like a natural device. How node voltages are calculated in simulators?
Simulators turn a “natural device” into a collection of basic elements (resistors, capacitors, diodes, and dependent voltage or current sources). See for example the Ebers-Moll model (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bipolar_junction_transistor#Ebers%E2%80%93Moll_model).
The simulator builds a matrix with these device models plus the resistors and capacitors you add yourself. The matrix is solved to get the node voltages and element currents. The method is a lot like the Node Voltage Method https://spinningnumbers.org/a/node-voltage.html.
Hello Willy, thanks for this great site! Although I’m not a native English your words are so easy to understand! If you ever write a book let me know I would immediately buy a copy!
Johannes, Thanks for visiting. I hope you discover some interesting things here. I’m happy to answer questions. And thanks for noticing the writing style. Every time I revise my own articles I look for ways to say things simply. No need to say “derivation” when “figure it out” will do. Good luck.